Dramatic Monologue

Dramatic Monologue

Dramatic monologue is a well-known form of a lyric poem. It is a kind of soliloquy by a speaker who speaks in front of the audience. Indeed, a dramatic monologue is a kind of lyric poem in which a single character speaks to a silent listener. It is dramatic because it begins suddenly and unexpectedly and it takes several sudden turn in the development

Three Unities

 Three Unities

Three Unities are the concept of that a drama should follow three rules. These three unities are unity of action, unity of place and unity of time. The unities help to arrange the elements of a work of art in accordance with a single overall purpose. The French classicists culled the three

Suggestions for HSC Examination 2020


Short Note- Personification
Personification is a figure in which lifeless objects or ideas are given life. It is a figure of speech that endows animals, ideas, abstractions and in-animate objects with human form, characters, or feelings. It treats abstractions and inanimate objects as if they


Short Note- Conceit
Conceit originally means a concept or image. Conceit is an elaborate figure of speech comparing two highly dissimilar things. The comparison may be startling, far-fetched, fanciful or highly intellectual. A conceit may be a brief metaphor, but it usually forms the framework of

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