the different stages of love that you find in the Good Morrow

Question: How does “John Donne” develop the theme of love in “Good Morrow”.
Or, What are the different stages of love that you find in the “Good Morrow”.
The poet makes a question to himself. The poet swears by his own faith he and his beloved had been satisfied with childish pleasures before they fall in love. That is the life of the poet and his beloved were meaningless before fall in love. Before fall in love they were like a child who sucks mother’s milk.
They were engaged in enjoying the simple joys of nature in the country side. At that time they could not realized the real meaning of love making activities.

Here Donne says that he and his beloved as if were slept in a den like seven sleepers before they come closed to them. The pleasure before falling in love, were nothing but mere fancies in comparison with present pleasure. Donne is in adoration and admiration of his of his beloved. Donne got all sorts of beauty in his beloved. He discovered beauty in all unique forms in his beloved. After falling in love they find a new world where they discovered a new life, a new world where they discovered a new life, new bid bliss and a new kind of happiness. That is why they shall say “Good Morrow” to them. Their souls are a wakened to enjoy a new life. Their souls watch each other not out of any jealousy and suspicion. But out of love, they exchange their falling which is reciprocal. It this loves, which prevents them from running after any other sight of pleasures.

So long their souls were sleeping. But now, when in love, their souls were awakened to have real satisfaction. They love each other spontaneously and reciprocally. They love each other without fear. They have got a new world/life where there is no hostility and cruelty. Everything is beings, soothing and serene. There is no suspicion and jealousy in their love world. Now they do not bother for any other sight of pleasure. There in a room which is full of combined of pleasure.
“For love, all love of other sights controllers,
And makes one little roome an every where.”

The lovers considered their small room of love to be as good as the whole world. The poet says that navigators will room over the seas to discover new world for themselves. The map makers will show the people different world. But each of lovers has a world for the other. Each has a separate world for himself or herself. Both the lovers are interested in each others world. They have unity in themselves. As the lovers look into each other eyes, they both see their own reveal to them the purity and innocence of their own hearts. The two lovers between both of themselves make two hemispheres which are better than the geographical hemisheres.
“Where can we finde two better hemispheres
Without Sharpe North, without declining West?”

In the conclusion it can be said that the lovers and his beloved are one because they are exactly similar in all respects. Their souls being united in pure love, will remain united forever separation is totally impossible. The unity in love will exist for eternal time. Their mutual understanding can make their love divine immortal and eternal.
“If our two loves be one, or, thou and I
Love so alike, that none doe slacken, none can die.”

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