Milton’s Paradise Lost as an Epic

Question: Paradise Lost as an epic.

Milton’s Paradise Lost may properly be classed among the greatest epic poems and its theme is neither mythical nor historical. It is not a national epic like the Iliad or the Aeneid, but it is an epic of the whole human species of our entire planet or astronomical universe. The theme of Paradise Lost is Biblical and religious and it follows Greek model of epic poetry. The central event of this epic poem is the fall of man, which is derived from the Old Testament.

Herbert as a religious poet

Question: Herbert as a religious poet.
Or, Herbert as a metaphysical/ devotional poet. 
George Herbert is essentially a religious poet. He wrote a large number of religious, philosophical, and reflective poems in the service of god. From his very beginning of poetic career Herbert preferred to write devotional poems rather then to write love poems. In his metaphysical writing he deals with soul, God, immortality, life after death and so on. Metaphysical poetry is a blending of thought and felling, it is erudite and witty; it is full of conceits and dramatic qualities.

Milton’s description of Hell in Paradise Lost, Book-1

Question: Give Milton’s description of Hell in Paradise Lost, Book-1.
Of all the narrative passages in Paradise Lost, Book-1, John Milton’s description of Hell stands out unique by virtue of its graphics pictorial quality and its evocation of a sense of gloomy terror. Milton presents Hell as a place designed for the eternal punishment of the fallen angels. Hell is a place for removed from the celestial seat of bliss. It is situated in the nethermost depth of abyss, and it takes nine days and nights to fall into this dreadful pit from heaven.

Principal traits of the Character of Lady Una in The Faerie Queene, Book-1

Bring out the principal traits of the Character of Lady Una as portrayed in The Faerie Queene, Book-1.
Spenser’s heroines are paragons of beauty and virtue. Lady Una, the heroine of The Faerie Queene, Book-1 is no exception in this regard. She has been portrayed as both an individual and a type. She stands for beauty, truth, goodness, wisdom and innocence, the qualities which Plato had taught his disciples to regard as identical. Lady Una is a combination of such excellent qualities as truthfulness, constancy of purpose, a strong filial devotion, a steadfast love for the man to whom she has given her heart, strong determination, unfaltering courage, a generous and compassionate heart, and an invincible sense of honour.

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