Compare the characters of Achilles and Hector in Homers’ Iliad

In The Iliad there are a great many warriors and heroes, but Achilles and Hector figure prominently as the two greatest heroes. A man’s courage often counted more than if he was honest or faithful to his wife. Achilles, King of the Myrmidons and Hector, prince of Troy struck me as the most sharply contrasted characters. I found that Hector had more bravery than Achilles. Still we are to compare
the characters of Achilles and hector is ascertaining their positive and negative qualities for your benefit.

Homer calls Hector a ‘noble hearted’ man but Achilles is ‘lion hearted’ man. Hector represents the civilized ideas of life. He stands for hearth, home and city state and is the defender of the principles of the individual self-control and a constructive way of life. But Achilles is the personification of primitive brutality, anti-social destructiveness and undisciplined instinct. Achilles and Hector undoubtedly the best of the warriors of their respective sides. They have courage and power of lead the war of success. Both of them have genuine love for their parents and feel how much their parents are anxious for their safety and well being. But it is strange that both of them go to war and are killed before their parents.

One of the most powerful moments in the book is when Hector returns home to see his family. In the midst of all the carnage, we see another side to the brave Trojan warrior. He smiles and laughs; he speaks lovingly to his wife and admires his infant son. Homer may have revealed this ‘softer’ side of Hector as a way of making Achilles more appealing to his Greek audience. After all, a ‘real man’ or ‘real hero’ would never leave the battlefield just to see his family! However, when reading the book in modern times, Hector comes across as the more valiant, well-rounded and noble of the two men.

          While Achilles and Hector are both leaders of their people, Hector seems to lead with more maturity. His men respect him because he, in turn is respectful of them. Hector is a man of action, he leads by doing. His men are inspired to fight because they see their captain doing the same. Hector has more self control while at times Achilles behaves like a two year old who flies into a rage at the drop of a hat. Achilles appears respected and revered only through the fear that he instills.

          Hector is much more concerned about his own nation or his own people. To him, national interest is more important than personal interest. That is why; he is ready to leave his dear wife and children whenever it is necessary. Obviously, he is moved by his wife’s entreaty not to leave them, but he rejects her request and went out to face the enemies. Compared to Hector, Achilles is less responsible and is guided by personal emotion and honor.

          After above discussion we can say that Achilles and Hector belonged to two different traditions of life. So, they cannot be judged by the same standard of morality. They are great in their respective sphere.


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